Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Welcome and Warning

Hello to all and welcome to my newest blog. This blog is going to act as a therapy blog for me. That means I am going to be very honest with my postings here. If I am sad, I will say I am sad. If I am happy, I will say I am happy. Expect the unexpected and brutally honest feelings.  You have been warned.

Most of my posts will more than likely surround the feelings I am dealing with from my recent break-up. The very short version of that story is: I was engaged to the love of my life for over a year.  Total time we dated, around 4 years.  On Christmas Eve we were talking when he told me he didn't love me anymore and then he left. Since then I have not been coping well. I have been in the midst of a major depressive episode that I cannot get myself out of. I am seeing a therapist and doing everything I can to over come this blackness and despair, but it is taking a long time. I was inspired to write this blog because it is hard to constantly call my same friends over and over just to express the same feelings of depression. I know they love me and will help me but I feel bad only having the one issue I want to discuss. It is exhausting to help a friend who is depressed and I don't want to burn them out.  So this blog will be where I can voice my sadness, anger, and issues without fear of burning my friends out - because they can chose to read the posts or ignore them and either way I am able to express my emotions.  Win- Win.

Now, not every post will be an expression of my depression but I am sure at first most will.  Hang in with me through the pain (and bad editing skills) and I am sure I will have better posts up in no time.  I am also attempting to use this blog as a place to post short stories, in hope of writing them again.  Thanks for visiting, and I'll see you tomorrow.

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