Wednesday, September 4, 2013


I have a friend, used to be my very best friend, who is moving into a new phase in her life.  I am very happy for her.  Yet I am also very sad for myself.  I am jealous that I am not in that phase of life myself. I am sad that I can't support her in this part of her life at all, because she hasn't asked me too or even invited me to be a spectator.  Meaning, I am just on the fringes.  I'm a friend on Facebook who can see the pictures she posts but isn't in any of them.  I'm not in her life right now and I don't think she cares, which is fine.  I'm the last thing she should care about right now.  HUGE life event in her world right now, my feelings should be the least of her worries, it just sucks that I can't be apart of said huge life event.  It sucks that I am getting push to side.  I wish I could be there for her.  Helping her or supporting her or anything really...  I'm just tired of feeling like an outsider waiting to get invited back.   I may never get invited back, and that is OK.  Or once things settle down, things will be like they were before, not exactly like they were before obviously since there is now a life changing event that has happened, but at least some semblance of how things used to be.  I just miss my friends.

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